You may be able to have your most recent case, and any previous cases, changed from felonies to misdemeanors if you were convicted of the following charges:

  • Commercial Burglary of a Store During Regular Business Hours (PC § 459)   
  • Forgery (PC § 473) 
  • Fraud/Bad Checks (PC § 476a)   
  • Grand Theft (PC § 487) 
  • Petty Theft/Shoplifting (PC §§ 484/666)                  
  • Possession of Methamphetamine (HS § 11377)   
  • Possession of Cocaine or Heroin (HS § 11350)   
  • Possession of Concentrated Cannabis (HS § 11357(a))    
  • Receiving Stolen Property (PC § 496)   
  • Shoplifting (PC § 484/666)

For theft charges to be reduced, the amount stolen must have been less than $950. 


*The court will not change your charges from felonies to misdemeanors if you have certain strike priors, or if you are required to register pursuant to Penal Code section 290(c).